Patriot Pastors Against Critical Race Theory

We find that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is destructive to the individual, the Church, and our community.  We find that teaching our children to view our nation through the lens of race is repulsive and we denounce it.

We find that the CRT Oppression Matrix chart is offensive in declaring the following people groups oppressors under the Privileged Social Group category:

  • White people
  • Male assignment at birth
  • Gender conforming men and women
  • Heterosexuals
  • Rich, upper class people
  • Able-bodied people
  • Protestants
  • Adults

We not only find this divisive, but it is also destructive to our community and the nation.  Therefore, we denounce it and demand that this curriculum and all teaching of Critical Race Theory be removed from the schools in Springfield, Missouri.

The Founding Fathers understood that the British would be very effective by targeting individuals standing alone.  Conversely the Founders understood how much support they would muster through coming together as one voice empowering those who shared their cause.

If you want to take a stand by adding your name to this letter email me your name and the name of your church at

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"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people." - Noah Webster
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