Monthly Archives: September 2010

Let's Control the Internet

For the last year and a half, the current administration has been lobbying for control over the internet. The FCC (Federel Communications Commission) is trying to regulate the internet as a utility. They are particularly wanting to control bloggers and alternative news sources. They are making attempts to tax, licen…se and monitor the internet. The courts have stopped them. I know for some this is hard to accept, but we are on the treshhold of tyrany. This latest power grab has been packaged in the name of protecting us. It would have been more believable if this ploy was used on the first attempt. It’s not the man, It’s the policies

Wiretapped phones, now Internet? |

"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that their liberties are a gift from God?" - Thomas Jefferson
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