Monthly Archives: September 2017

State Sponsored Murder, You Could Be Next



Yesterday I received a message from a reporter from KOLR10 who wanted my response to Abortion clinics opening in Springfield, MO. I was unable to respond in time to do the interview. Nevertheless I will give my thoughts regarding the state sponsored murder of our fellow human beings.

  1. Firstly, Missouri leads the way when it comes to state sponsored murder of our fellow human beings. The expansion of this heinous crime outside of St. Louis was forced onto us by judicial activism. There is no way this would have been imposed on us legislatively. The vast majority of Missourians don’t want innocent blood on their hands.
  2. It would be irresponsible to not mention that Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood, created the organization to exterminate the black population. This largely explains why the percentage of blacks have held steady around 12.5% for over sixty years. Margaret Sanger was a frequent speaker at Klan rallies for many years, which helps us understand where she’s coming from.
  3. The Satanists have emerged as an advocate for Planned Parenthood to restore abortion to Missouri according to the Kansas City Star: This is perfect marriage made in hell. The forces of evil have always been aligned with abortion, and now they are working in the open.
  4. When a society assumes the authority to choose who lives and dies, then we are well past the slippery slope conversation. We have jumped into the abyss. We need to repent and pray that God will not give us what we deserve.
  5. You may have noticed that I do not use the “abortion” word to describe this evil act. The word in this debate serves to sanitize the reality of murder in the first degree. It also serves to inoculate us to continue functioning without our conscience bothering us.
  6. In conclusion, God has judged nations for their crimes against Him for ages and we are no exception. The blood of many souls are crying out for justice and they will be answered.

In light of my failure to connect with the press and the possibility that my comments may not have made it past the editor’s desk anyway, I wanted to give a response from a Biblical and Christian vantage point here.


Calvin Morrow

Executive Director

Christians Uniting for Political Action

"The church must take right ground in regards to politics...The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics. God cannot sustain this free & blessed country we love & pray for unless the church will take right ground. Politics are a part of religion in a country such as this and Christians must do their duty to their country as a part of their duty to God...God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics." - Rev. Charles Finney
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