Critical Race Theory in Springfield, MO

Dear Pastors and Community leaders of Springfield,

This letter is to invite you to an educational meeting concerning the current indoctrination of our students, teachers and staff within the Springfield Public School system

Many of you may be unaware of the Equity and Diversity training that is being promulgated in our schools. In the name of Equity and Diversity this program concludes that all white people are racist and the cause of all our social ills and they must acknowledge it.

This is part of a national effort to divide people into many groups for the purpose of dismantling and reconstructing society to serve Marxism and various forms of humanistic ideologies, which are antithetical to Christianity and all our cultural norms. The perpetrators of this effort have determined the most effective way to complete the reconstruction of our nation is to raise up a generation of children who have been emptied of their parent’s values and conditioned to a set of new values. In fact, this indoctrination has been underway since the 1960’s.

The teachers and administrators who have objected to this training have been threatened and silenced. There is a sense of hopelessness to their cries for help as they are being forced to participate in the dismantling of our society and the brainwashing of our children. Embedded in this training is a direct attack on the Church which is explained in what is called the “Oppression Matrix”.

Due to the suppression of information of our traditional values by social media, mainstream news, and the cancel culture we are at a disadvantage. Our most powerful tool has yet to be employed and that is the truth coming from the pulpits. The pastors of Springfield hold the key to the success or defeat of this Satanic attack. I know that connecting the dots that calls for pastoral involvement can be elusive. What if we look at the fact that the children of the parishioners in your congregation are your sheep also and that they require protection in the school setting in addition to our places of gathering.

I am looking for pastors and community leaders to unify your voices and influence by adding your names to a letter denouncing this curriculum known as Critical Race Theory to be removed from Springfield schools. On behalf of many of your congregates we request your immediate attention. Please contact me to sign up as a Biblical patriot pastor. We are also supporting three candidates for the School board that will require your help. With your help we can began recapturing our schools.

For more information on Critical Race Theory Dr. Mary Byrne will be presenting more detail information on March 8, 6:15-8:15 at Gloria Deo Academy, 3146 S. Golden Ave, Springfield, MO 65807. Pastors this is no small issue. If you can’t be in attendance please send a representative who could give you a briefing on the meeting.


Calvin Morrow

Executive Director



P.S. Know your rights.

Rights of the Pastor

Rights of the Church

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