The Mob Can’t Breathe But I Can

I could breathe freely the moment I was freed from the liberal prison. First I had to take out the guard tower where the minister of mind control was posted. This was easy after I discovered the liberating power of truth. This truth became the prism that filtered every thought. That truth was and remains Jesus Christ. Once I learned the art of thinking biblically, I began to see through the countless ideological assaults on what was real. One lying assault after another was brought into subjection to the truth.

Even though the truth is powerful, it alone wasn’t enough to be totally free to breathe. I had to cut through the barbed wire of group think. Human beings are by nature social creatures and rely on physical support and the affirmation of others. Traditionally these types of support come from spouses, family, churches and the community. Once accepted into a group, no one wants to be viewed as being contrary to whatever the current flow of thought may be. The fear of being on the outside is the super glue that keeps a group of people moving like a herd of sheep, whether in a positive or negative direction.

Something bad has happened to the traditional supply lines of support. They have been replaced by political, racial, socio-economical affiliations and sexual classifications. What we are witnessing from the vantage point of a Christian society is the realignment of people groups into gangs. Once joining a gang, we are easily manipulated by the gang leaders. This explains why gangs can easily morph into destructive and demonic mobs. This is what we are witnessing on the evening news throughout the country. This method of structuring civilization makes society uncivilized. You may not perceive yourself as a part of the mob, but if your sentiments align with the mob, you are the mob. You may not be giving direct support, but you are still part of what’s fueling it. If you are silent, you are also part of the mob. Silence is the primary wall of defense protecting evil. It prevents those who are trapped from coming out. Biblically speaking we call it, apostasy.

This brings me to the current media and politically driven discussion that has gripped our nation; that’s Mike Brown and Eric Garner. You have to wonder how the majority of the black community can look at three of Mike Brown’s autopsies that clearly show the bullets entering through the front and conclude that he was shot in the back. You wonder why blacks overwhelmingly blame the death of Eric Garner on white cops, even though the arrest was supervised by a black officer. Well, that’s easy to answer; everyone in their relational sphere is saying the same thing and disturbing the narrative is suicide. Anyone who dissents will be ostracized and verbally pummeled.

Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about. I was heavily engaged in a political discussion with someone who was a political opposite and they made the statement, “I have never heard a black man speak the way that you are speaking.” I then questioned, “Other than me, do you personally know anyone who is a conservative?” A long silence pursued. There are two observations to take away from this. In the first place, I didn’t know that a black man is supposed to speak, think and act as one. Secondly, there is the implication that my behavior is not approved of and my way of thinking puts me outside of the mainstream. This was an indirect application of pressure appealing to man’s need to belong. Logically speaking, it was the fallacy of appealing to the crowd.

This had no effect on me because I already belong. I belong to the Christian race, which includes all ethnicities. I belong to the family of God. I am categorized as a male, as witnessed by nature’s law and God’s law. I belong to the Christian community that is not subdivided into many groups by race, sex, political labels, or the haves and have nots. By virtue of using God’s methods of structuring civilizations, society becomes civil. Because I am a part of God’s family and have exercised my Christian mind, I can breathe without the aid of those who manipulate the rich-poor divide, and the political, sexual, and racial gangs. Those who say that they can’t breathe have lost their ability to see, think or act outside of the true order of things. Instead of the air passages being restricted, their minds and spirit man have been cut off from God. There’s a good reason why the mob can’t breathe.

To whatever extent we walk in the kingdom of God IS the degree that we are able to breathe.

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