Cruz or not to Cruz
This commentary is for all my Constitutional loving conservatives who make the argument that Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen. Just for the record, my opinion is that that argument rests on thin ice. Cruz did not have to go through any naturalization processes because naturally he was a citizen. Any other logical reasoning is illogical and unreasonable. It is also illogical and unreasonable to not vote for someone who supports nearly 100% of everything conservatives believe in. Again, this is just an opinion.
Let’s just say for arguments sake that you are right. What would you gain from not supporting the only conservative constitutional liberty lover on the ticket? You will have the privilege of going to the grave saying I was right in my own mind and heart. However, you will also have to live with the burden of not being able to do something beneficial for yourselves, your children, neighbors and the country. When God chose Deborah to lead the nation of Israel it was completely out of the ordinary for the Jews. When God lowered the blanket of unclean animals and told Peter to eat it was completely against his tradition and the written Word. This reminds me of the joke about a man stranded on a rooftop surrounded by flood waters and asking God for help. God sent him a helicopter, a boat, and a canoe and he refused them because it wasn’t in a package that he could accept. He ended up dying and going to heaven and complained to God for not reaching out His hand and scooping him off the island.
You may say to me, “What’s your problem; don’t you care about the Constitution?” Yes I do. I believe that it’s the greatest document that man has ever crafted. However, the constitution has been decimated over the years and very few politicians consider it in their decision making. In some respects worrying about the Constitution at this stage in the game is a moot point. It has already been obliterated. The boat is so full of holes that it can’t stay afloat. What if at this time, God sends a representative with a heart to restore what we want. Will our answer be a self-righteous one of “identifying” a big problem with his birthright when it looks like we are at the end of life as we know it? That’s exactly what the Jews did with the sacrificial system when God rejected and judged them for violating the spirit of the law. Their sacrificial works had lost all meaning in reality.
On one side we have Ted Cruz, who from a child has memorized the Constitution, a man with a long history of loving, breathing, and defending the constitution all the way up to the Supreme Court level. And on the other side we have men and women who could care less about it. Will our answer be to go with an unqualified captain and let the boat sink rather than putting it into the hands of someone who is capable of steering us away from the rocks?
May God help us all.
Calvin Morrow
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