Monthly Archives: November 2017

It’s All About Race. Really??

During an interview with Laura Ingraham, Clarence Thomas asked this question rhetorically in speaking of the divisive climate that we are experiencing in America today, “What binds us together anymore?” The answer is nothing as we watch the revision of our history and the reemergence of racial tension to levels far greater than the Jim Crow era when blacks were overtly oppressed. This societal unease flies in the face of reality. Blacks have opportunities that were not available sixty and seventy years ago. Blacks are freer and more prosperous than ever. Those who have bettered themselves have traveled the same road of success that other successful people of all races. They worked hard, overcame adversity, got educated, stayed out of trouble with the law, and surrounded themselves with other successful people.

Our nation is being fundamentally changed by focusing on the old wounds of our past. Somehow we have allowed the Liberal Progressive Socialist ideology to shape the narrative that we are in essence the most villainous people who have ever existed. They continue to pick at the scabs of the past by reminding us of old sins that have been forgiven. As a nation when it comes to slavery and the Jim Crow laws, no one in this era can make an honest claim that we haven’t recovered sufficiently.

The thought that only the black man born in America can never recover from the past is nonsense and racist on its face. This insanity can only serve those promoting the idea, and conversely, it can only work with a thoroughly conditioned victim. When the black man accepts the notion that he has an incurable disease, he paves the way back to the slavery that he abhorred. Only this time instead of physical chains, he is cuffed with political chains. These psychological chains are much stronger than actual chains because of the cooperation required of the new and improved slave.

The modern slave is constantly bombarded with the notion that someone has to do things for him. His handlers have built brand new slave quarters during the fifties and sixties called projects. They improved his rations with feeding programs. They justified self-segregation by teaching him ethnocentric gobbledygook while the communist agitators disguised as the Black Panthers promoted black supremacy.

I must point out that the so called new black movement is primarily characterized by anger that results in a need for a revolution. This new call to revolution has no clear goals other than destroying what exists, and what things are to look like on the other end is even murkier.

What used to bind us together was the dominant influence of the Christian culture. As we witness more and more the unwillingness of Christians to get involved in the culture, the more America unravels.

It is the good news of the kingdom of God that heals wounds through forgiveness. Please note that it is incumbent upon the one offended to release the offender according to the scriptures. (Matthew 6:12”… and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”) This is just one of the many healing antidotes that brings people together. Galatians 4:28 says, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The late Francis Schaffer stated, “When Biblical Christianity ceased to provide the conscience for German society, when political and economic chaos as well as moral permissiveness prevailed, the stage was set for the Nazi movement.”  May God forbid that we go down that path.” Likewise if the atheistic moral compass becomes our guidance system we will go the way of chaotic societies and will no longer be a magnet for fleeing emigrants. To answer Justice Thomas’s question, it is the operating system of the government of God that binds us.

"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that their liberties are a gift from God?" - Thomas Jefferson
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