Monthly Archives: October 2016
Missouri 2016 Voter Guides
Oct. 24, 2016
Dear Missouri Pastor We are providing Missouri Voter Guides for the members of your congregation. This is an important election. The Church is in the crosshairs of some political operatives. Christians have a responsibility to vote.
You will be happy to know that these voter guides are prepared for distribution in 501c3 organizations and Political Action Committees. They are educational in purpose. We have included links to organizations whose goal is to inform and motivate Christians to vote from a Biblical point of view as best as they can. Feel free to make copies for distribution and/or email these links to your congregants.
Missouri Alliance for Freedom (Guide for ballot initiatives and propositions)
Missouri Right to Life (Endorsements of candidates by districts)
Constitutional Coalition (Bios of candidates and party platforms)
Missouri Renewal Project (Voter guide for statewide candidates)
Vote to protect religious liberty and may God bless you.
Calvin Morrow Executive Director,
Christians Uniting for Political Action
History or Reconditioning
History or Reconditioning
The new black history museum should be renamed, “The Rewriting of History to Keep Blacks Mad and Ignorant Museum.” To barely mention Clarence Thomas and his accomplishments is simply fraudulent. To emphasize the lying Anita Hill makes the whole thing a lie. I wonder what they did to the Republican Martin Luther King. I love learning about blacks in history, but I don’t use it to get angry or make sure others are. I’m sick of the race narrative. The Leftist Democrat Revolutionaries are conducting a full court press to racialize the American culture through bad news reporting, use of sitcoms, school books, college classes, immoral laws, reeducation camps (schools), etc. The goal is to divide us for the purpose of control. They also want us to feel like nothing has changed since the days of slavery. They want us to ignore the fact that a black man is president of the most powerful nation in the world with only a 15% black population. Never mind that it took tens of millions of whites and other groups to get Obama elected. Do you for one second think that would have happened fifty years ago? Most of us call that progress, which you will never hear from Leftist Democrat Revolutionaries.
Blacks have achieved prominence in every area of life, from astronauts, CEO’s of major corporations, educators, philosophers, judges, and the list goes on. The acknowledgment of this fact is an indictment to the current racism narrative. How can things be worse than the days of slavery? Well it is in the minds of many. If you can pour lies into empty minds everyday all day year after year with no counter argument, it can be achieved. Couple that with a few anecdotal examples. Many will mentally descend back in time, even though everything around them reflects the opposite.
I’m not against the ideal of a Black History Museum. I just want the story told without the Leftist agenda. So far from scanning the website of the Black History Museum, I can see how lopsided the displays and themes are. And we wonder why many suffer from a “racist under every rock syndrome.”
With the over emphasis on racism, I’m protesting the purposely bending of the black mind to accept permanent victimhood status, which by the way is a cheap racist view of blacks by the Leftist Democrat Revolutionaries. To treat and view blacks as a permanent underclass and promote it is wrong. By design this keeps blacks dependent and politically useful. I use the term Leftist Democrat Revolutionaries because they are Leftist, Democrats and Revolutionaries. Their goal is fundamental change, and they alone are the authors of the uprooting of our traditions. Those traditions include traditional Biblical marriage, the scientific and Biblical use of the term male and female, and all of the Bill of Rights. What this mindset does is keep us looking to those who created racial disharmony to provide us with racial harmony.
Spiritually speaking, I don’t worship my blackness, but thank God that He made me who I am for His purposes. I’m not here to serve any political group, racial group, or any ideology that distracts from God’s ultimate plan, which happens to be color blind and exists for all mankind.