Monthly Archives: August 2013

Defeat the Ordinance

Springfield, MO is in a property rights battle that’s been disguised as a human rights issue.  The ordinance is called, “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.”

This ordinance is packaged in an unwritten narrative, that the church is opposed to the gays and wishes to prevent equal opportunities.  Nothing could further from the truth!  Control over this narrative postures the Church in a defensive position.  To confuse the sin and the ordinance as being one in the same is a trap to pit two groups against one another!  This is how the supporters of the ordinance and the media present the perception of this great divide between the LGBT community and the Church.  Unfortunately many pastors have been apprehensive to speak in regards to the sin or the ordinance for fear of the press and congregational opinion.

It is important that we understand that the end game of this ordinance will determine the use of private property and limit free speech.  We must recognize that when one group receives special or extra protection, then the other groups have less protection.  According to the laws of this great land all rights should be equal, not less for some and more for others.  If I were to summarize the so called rational of the supporters of this ordinance, it is to prevent discrimination.  I say it’s a ruse; it’s nothing more than a preemptive strike to give special (extra) protection to one particular people group as a strategy to further a hidden agenda.  At this time there are no current discrimination cases pending, but once this ordinance passes, in my humble opinion, we will have discrimination coming out of our ears.

Many of the citizens of Springfield may not know that the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity ordinance is the linchpin that triggers the avalanche.  When questions came up at the July 15, 2013 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Task Force meeting, about how this would affect the schools and public restrooms, the supporters of the ordinance shouted out with one accord that, “this ordinance does not mention schools”.  (This is obviously a talking point).  However, the Mayor’s Commission on Human Rights and Community Relations 2010 Strategic Plan reveals their true agenda and trust me the schools are in it.  Action 5.1 of the MCHRCR says, “Collaborate with the city of Springfield schools to teach about diversity within the schools and help create a safe environment for all school aged children (K-12) within the community.  Activities would include all school aged children (public, private, home schooled).”  The city attorney reiterated that the ordinance didn’t relate to schools; this was clearly deceptive, because it is in the MCHRCR strategic plan.

The Dangers

  1. The most dangerous outcome of the ordinance is the acquisition of police and investigative powers Continue reading
"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people." - Noah Webster
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