Monthly Archives: April 2010

Congratulations America, We've Got "National Health Care!"

Salvation has come down from Washington D.C. No more worrying about medical bills because the government will save us from all the evil people who care for and insure the sick.  Yeah I’m talking about those doctors who pull tonsils just for an extra buck, and those Insurers who just want money to give you what you ask for.   The thing that gave me the most assurance was that congress voted on the health care bill after midnight on a Sunday.   Another thing that made me really happy was that they published the 2,500 plus page bill for my viewing on line 36 hours before the vote. Therefore, if I read 69.44 pages per hour with no sleep or toilet breaks I would be well informed.

Let’s take a look and see what we got: Continue reading

Healthcare: Politicians Want You to Have It, But They Are Excluded

I am deeply concerned about your spiritual well being. You say you love me and My Son. You say you believe in My Word. If this is true, then why am I so brokenhearted?

The reason is that you have not accepted the great gift that I have made available to you. Don’t you know that in My Kingdom the downtrodden are elevated to the same status as My Son, Jesus? Do you realize that in My Kingdom everyone who has been victimized gives up not only sin, but their “victim hood” status in exchange for full citizenship? How is it that you lost your identity in me?

Instead of considering yourself a victorious child of the living God who has been set free from the designs of the enemy (Satan), you identify yourselves as being defeated, poor, black and a victim. You have allowed political opportunists to transform you from “coloreds to Negroes to Black to African-Americans” when all along you were simply citizens of My Kingdom. You consistently reference the past as if it was today by identifying with the slaves that got off the boat in the sixteen-hundreds. You identify with children in Africa who are covered with flies and whose bellies are swollen from starvation. You identify with the civil rights movement in the nineteen-sixties as if everyday you face dogs and water hoses. All of this while many of you have become educators, politicians, sports heroes and business executives in every field. You take vacations, take your kids to little league, own at least two flat screen TV’s and live in suburbia America. Continue reading

A Love Letter from God to My Black Children in America…

I am deeply concerned about your spiritual well being. You say you love me and My Son. You say you believe in My Word. If this is true, then why am I so brokenhearted?

The reason is that you have not accepted the great gift that I have made available to you. Don’t you know that in My Kingdom the downtrodden are elevated to the same status as My Son, Jesus? Do you realize that in My Kingdom everyone who has been victimized gives up not only sin, but their “victim hood” status in exchange for full citizenship? How is it that you lost your identity in me?

Instead of considering yourself a victorious child of the living God who has been set free from the designs of the enemy (Satan), you identify yourselves as being defeated, poor, black and a victim. You have allowed political opportunists to transform you from “coloreds to Negroes to Black to African-Americans” when all along you were simply citizens of My Kingdom. You consistently reference the past as if it was today by identifying with the slaves that got off the boat in the sixteen-hundreds. You identify with children in Africa who are covered with flies and whose bellies are swollen from starvation. You identify with the civil rights movement in the nineteen-sixties as if everyday you face dogs and water hoses. All of this while many of you have become educators, politicians, sports heroes and business executives in every field. You take vacations, take your kids to little league, own at least two flat screen TV’s and live in suburbia America. Continue reading

A Violent Coup

A Violent Coup

Time: Election day 2000
Place: United States of America

Today there was an attempted coup staged in Florida. An American named Al Gore, a suspected Communist sympathizer with international connections, led the charge with ten thousand lawyers hired by operatives that are hostile to the process laid out in the Constitution of the United States. This first wave of attack was on par with marines performing a beach landing to set up a staging area. They also hired telemarketers to dredge the swamps to see if there were voters who felt like they were disenfranchised. These so called victims were paraded before us on the state run media like a mortar barrage. This was their propaganda machine entering the theater. In a coordinated effort they began to confuse the people with images that they interpreted with their words for the viewers. Once their scheme was in place the second stage of their attack came from their allies within the courts. Their job was to create chaos by reinterpreting the voting laws and the process in which votes were counted. After weeks of battling in the courts
the coup was put down and the nation returned to normalcy, or did it? Continue reading

Fear No Evil

“Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.” (Ronald Reagen)

Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when the wicked man rules the people groan”.  The question for the Church is where does the righteous authority come from?

The Church has to become a voice that can be trusted to guide voters to align themselves with biblical and constitutional standards.  We don’t expect to be the voice of the Church but to call and challenge the Church to be the voice of God.  CUPA (Christians Uniting for Political Action) intends to be one of many voices facilitating this challenge. Continue reading

"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people." - Noah Webster
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